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IP Daily Plus
의약품   Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc v. OO Bioepis Co LTD 간의 특허 관련 특허 분쟁
사건번호 1:24-cv-00005 발생일자 2024.01.03
법원국가 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 관할법원명 D.C.Delaware
침해권리 특허 산업분류 화학∙바이오 > 의약품
소송유형 침해금지 분쟁결과(1심) 진행중
원고명 Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc / Alexion Pharma International Operations Ltd (영국 / 외국기업 )
피고명 OO Bioepis Co LTD (한국 / 대기업 )
분쟁내용 [Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc et al v. OO Bioepis Co LTD] 사건번호 1:24-cv-00005에 따르면 원고 Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc / Alexion Pharma International Operations Ltd은(는) 피고 OO Bioepis Co LTD을(를) 상대로 특허 US9732149|US9718880|US9725504|US10590189|US10703809|US9447176을(를) 침해했다는 이유로 미국 델라웨어 지방법원에 소를 제기하였다.
계쟁특허 대표도면[US9732149]
계쟁제품 biosimilar to SOLIRISⓇ (eculizumab), called SB12
계쟁특허 정보
특허번호 특허명칭 국내패밀리 정보 국제특허분류(IPC)
US9732149 Treatment of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria patients by an inhibitor of complement KR101197799B1 , KR20070004084A
KR20070009996A , KR20080110800A
KR20090076960A , KR20140057635A
A61K 39/00 ,   A61K 9/00  
C07K 16/18 ,   A61K 31/7105  
A61K 38/00  
US9718880 Treatment of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria patients by an inhibitor of complement KR101197799B1 , KR20070004084A
KR20070009996A , KR20080110800A
KR20090076960A , KR20140057635A
A61K 39/00 ,   A61K 9/00  
C07K 16/18 ,   C07K 19/00  
A61K 31/7105 ,   A61K 38/00  
US9725504 Treatment of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria patients by an inhibitor of complement KR101197799B1 , KR20070004084A
KR20070009996A , KR20080110800A
KR20090076960A , KR20140057635A
A61K 39/00 ,   A61K 9/00  
C07K 16/18 ,   C07K 19/00  
A61K 31/7105 ,   A61K 38/00  
US10590189 Treatment of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria patients by an inhibitor of complement KR101197799B1 , KR20070004084A
KR20070009996A , KR20080110800A
KR20090076960A , KR20140057635A
A61K 9/00 ,   A61K 39/00  
C07K 16/18 ,   A61K 31/7105  
A61K 38/00  
US10703809 Treatment of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria patients by an inhibitor of complement KR101197799B1 , KR20070004084A
KR20070009996A , KR20080110800A
KR20090076960A , KR20140057635A
C07K 16/18 ,   A61K 31/7105  
A61K 9/00 ,   A61K 38/00  
A61K 39/00  
US9447176 Methods and compositions for treating complement-associated disorders KR20110094029A A61K 39/00 ,   A61K 38/00  
C07K 16/18 ,   C07K 19/00  