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IP Daily Plus
토목공학기술   Wirtgen America, Inc. v. Caterpillar, Inc. 간의 특허 관련 특허 분쟁
사건번호 1:17-cv-00770 발생일자 2017.06.16
법원국가 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 관할법원명 D.C.Delaware
침해권리 특허 산업분류 기타산업 > 토목공학기술
소송유형 침해금지 분쟁결과(1심) 원고승 | 판결일 : 2024.10.09
원고명 Wirtgen America, Inc. (미국 / 외국기업 )
피고명 Caterpillar, Inc. (미국 / 외국기업 )
분쟁내용 [Wirtgen America, Inc. v. Caterpillar, Inc.] 사건번호 1:17-cv-00770에 따르면 원고 Wirtgen America, Inc.는 피고 Caterpillar, Inc.을(를) 상대로 특허 US7530641|US7828309|US7946788|US8113592|US8118316|US8308395|US8511932|US8690474|US9010871|US9624628|US9644340|US9656530을(를) 침해하였다는 이유로 미국 델라웨어 지방법원에 소를 제기하였다.
계쟁특허 대표도면[US7530641]
계쟁제품 PM600 Series (PM620 and PM622 models) and the PM800 Series (PM820, PM822, and PM825 models) - road milling machines
계쟁특허 정보
특허번호 특허명칭 국내패밀리 정보 국제특허분류(IPC)
US7530641 Automotive construction machine, as well as method for working ground surfaces
US7828309 Road-building machine
US7946788 Road construction machine, leveling device, as well as method for controlling the milling depth or milling slope in a road construction machine
US8113592 Automotive construction engine and lifting column for a contruction engine
US8118316 Operational methods for a road-building machine
US8308395 Road construction machine, leveling device, as well as method for controlling the milling depth or milling slope in a road construction machine
US8511932 Road construction machine, leveling device, as well as method for controlling the milling depth or milling slope in a road construction machine
US8690474 Road construction machine, leveling device, as well as method for controlling the milling depth or milling slope in a road construction machine
US9010871 Automotive construction machine, as well as lifting column for a construction machine
US9624628 Auxiliary drive
US9644340 Scraper device, as well as construction machine
US9656530 Automotive construction machine, as well as lifting column for a construction machine